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We're a husband and wife super team pushing our super dream together we are one. We have two adult sons Robert the 3rd Randall and our teenage daughter Diamond. With Roberts wife Janae our grandkids Jace and Ranae also our soon to be daughter in law Danielle Randalls fiancee. We at WakeupNTurnup LLC are a forward thinking movement clothing brand. We hope to make our ancestors proud while inspiring others to be great. Please join us in becoming a walking and talking billboard spreading our motivational message of research, love, unity and prosperity. These are the main ingredients to our movement of the words WakeupNTurnup. Wakeup means to research the truth, become a critical thinker, live your true authentic self in body, mind, and soul, while questioning everything. Turnup means repent for the glory of The Heavenly Father. Because once we research precept upon precept we'll find out that the only truth that exist is The Heavenly Father. The truth will draw you closer to him, giving you a better overstanding that he is our creator. And our only purpose in life is to search for him and fear him only. This is our true reality "The Heavenly Father is the only one that can save us." Once again WakeupNTurnup research the truth and repent for The Heavenly Fathers Glory!


From one of the owners Robert JR. this is how this dream began:

Many years ago in 2003 I started writing inspirational sayings. Thinking eventually one day I'd create a business for my inspirational sayings. And over the years I'd accumulated about 30 inspirational sayings. Hence forward to 2020 we all were in a pandemic alert mode. I had the opportunity to reflect on life while researching for the truth of our time. I came across numerous rabbit holes with indoctrinated mis-information. While on my truth journey I'd accumulated well over 700 inspirational sayings within 6 months of researching the truth. I told my wife what I was finding and she agreed with me to starting an inspirational business. I came up with the name WakeupNTurnup because it fit the informational time we're living in. In 2021 we created WakeupNTurnup and by 6/2023 we opened up for business the rest is our story please join us ( Research The Truth N Repent For His Glory ).


We thank you for your valued time and hope you invigorate your family and friends to help support our forward thinking movement. It's time family we are in control of helping ourselves. Because when we learn better we do better in life.


                                                                                                We Hope You Have A Great Day!

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